what is 4 3/4 as a decimal

what is 4 3/4 as a decimal easy method?

Follow these steps to change 4 3/4 from a mixed number to a decimal:

Multiply the whole number, 4, by the fraction’s denominator, 4, to get 16.
Add the answer from step 1 to the fraction’s numerator (3): 16 + 3 = 19.

Put the answer from Step 2 on top of the original fraction, which is 4, to get 19/4.
Divide the top number (19) by the bottom number (4) to get 4.75.
So, what is 4 3/4 as a decimal decimal form of 4 3/4 is 4.75.

What is 4 3/4 as a decimal-related question answer

What is 4 3/4 percent as a decimal

3/4 / 100 = 0.0075 to convert 4 3/4 to a decimal.
4 + 0.0075 equals 4.0075.
4 3/4% decimalized is 4.0075.

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